What if your food was Art, not lunch?
How to share:
- Use Twitter, Instagram or Facebook @campuscreate to post your response. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #whatifspark
- If you are not on social media, find out how to participate
“Who sees the human face correctly; the photographer, the mirror, or the painter” – Picasso
(Take some images regularly throughout the day and then stitch images together with a collage maker app)
Collage Maker Apps
Pic Stitch (iphone) or Pic Grid (Android)
“Football is not a matter of life or death… it’s more important than that” – Bill Shankly
(Thanks to Gail Porter for suggesting today’s prompt)
(or try windows, mirrors or any other shiny surface)
Check out this tutorial on how to take a stunning reflective photo on your phone
This festival marked the beginning of spring and has been celebrated since ancient times. Visiting water sources, such as holy wells was a long held tradition on this day, to pray for good health
Don’t forget to use the hashtag #waterspark when sharing your contributions
Visualise a verse (notegraphy.com)
Record, edit & upload sound (audioboom.com)
Find out more about Imbolc from Wikipedia and also through Brigits Garden in Rosscahill, Co. Galway
“Black and white are absolute…expressing the most delicate vibration, the most profound tranquility, and unlimited profundity.” — Shiko Munakata
(Photo: Mega hamster: https://www.flickr.com/photos/mega_hamster/12542021004/in/photolist-k7i8Ts-fPZMuh)
Consider how this image would look in another hue. A warm yellow glow telling a more nostalgic story, or a red hue, signalling excitement or danger.
Your challenge: Experiment with one colour today, and think about how to feature it prominently – in a painting, a photograph, or even a short narrative.
A tutorial on processing Infrared images in Photoshop