Take a photograph which plays with the notion of juxtaposition – “the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect”
Need more help?
Having problems visualising a juxtaposition? Try to mix and match two materials that generally don’t go together, like leaves and paper clips or contrast colour and texture. Photograph and share the result.
Today’s fantastic challenge comes from Jim Vaughan. Jim is a Documentary Photographer based in Galway. He lectures at the Centre for Creative Arts and Media at GMIT. CCAM is a hive of creative activity and specialises in courses in contemporary art, design, textiles and film and documentary. Follow Jim on Twitter @JimVaughanPhoto
How to participate:
Share your interpretation of Jim’s challenge with us, not forgetting to tag #campuscreate in your post.
If you prefer, draw, photograph, paint, or write your interpretation (not forgetting to tag #campuscreate in your post) and share with us at: